The 7th District of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers covers the states of Arizona, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The IBEW exists to help workers provide a better standard of living for themselves and their families.

The 7th District is comprised of local unions representing many types of workers engaged in electrical construction, line construction, utility, manufacturing, maintenance, teledata, government, railroad and others. The District supports the efforts of the local unions with training for officers, stewards and leaders as well as with technical support and administrative oversight.

The IBEW has been actively organizing new workers in the industrial and professional branches of the trade. These activities are conducted by the 4th Region Organizing group. The construction locals have been organizing their branches at a breakneck pace through 2008. The unprecedented economic meltdown has been devastating to many workers and their families. Local Unions have struggled to maintain the standard of living for their members with the high unemployment and corporate greed becoming commonplace in our culture. Rather than give in IBEW Local Unions have mounted campaign after campaign throughout the district to protect what they have fought so hard for and to further organize and educate new workers about unionism in the 21st century.

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Journeyman Lineman Test

The 7th district of the IBEW uses a universal testing program. Lineman that are able to provide adequate proof of 3.5 years of experience at journeyman level are eligible to take an entry exam on basic linework knowledge. You must then work 60 days in the field at which time you need two (2) LU 66 JY Lineman willing to vouch for your work and safety practices. After 90 days you are able to challenge the test administered by our examining board. (XFMR/THEORY refresher training available upon request)

Construction Lineman Program

The 7th District Construction Lineman Program was developed for workers with adequate proof of experience/hours worked in the trade but do not qualify to challenge the JY Lineman test. Eligible participants must complete a monthly evaluation and log all hours worked. Hours in trade qualify for wage percentage of JY Lineman scale. Applicants may take JY Lineman exam upon completion of program.

Transmission Technician

The transmission technician program is an 8 level classification for construction/maintenance of de-energized transmission line projects. Technician levels are based on time in trade and skill set. Trans Techs can build/set structures, install conductor and other aspects of transmission work. (This program does not qualify you for JY Lineman exam because Transmission Techs are not allowed to do ANY energized work including installation of master grounds.)

Substation Technician

The substation technician program is a 3 level classification for construction/maintenance of de-energized projects. Technician levels are based on time in trade and skill set. Subtechs are utilized on de-energized work inside and pertaining to construction and operation of the sub. (This program does not qualify you for the JY Lineman exam because Substation Technicians are not allowed to do ANY energized work including installation of master grounds.)

Equipment Operator

The operator classification includes a wide range of equipment from cranes, boom trucks, dozer/loaders, directional boring, and all types of small tracked equipment such as skid steers, mini excavator etc. Operators are also expected to be capable of completing physical tasks associated with ground work. We currently have two (2) operator classifications which are: 

Small Equipment Operator 

Large equipment Operator

(Requires NCCCO crane cert)


The groundman classification is an entry level position into the Outside Construction field. You learn the material used, processes and safety culture associated with the daily operation of our industry. Groundman are utilized for semi-skilled manual labor as well as digging holes and trenching. We offer two (3) groundman classifications which are:

1st year Groundman

Experienced Groundman (CDL license) 

Truck driver w/ Winch (CDL license)


The objectives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers are:

  • To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions,
  • To promote reasonable methods of work,
  • To cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry,
  • To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible),
  • To assist each other in sickness or distress,
  • To secure employment,
  • To reduce the hours of daily labor,
  • To secure adequate pay for our work,
  • To seek a higher and higher standard of living,
  • To seek security for the individual,
  • And by legal and proper means to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.

This website was built, hosted and produced by IBEW members - WebConnectivity LLC